David Stanovský    //   

I am an associate professor (docent) and the chair of Department of Algebra, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.

Address:    KA MFF UK, Sokolovská 83, 18675 Praha 8
Phone:    +420 22191 3359
Office nr.: 308

My primary research interest is general algebra and its applications. Most of my work addresses various classes of non-associative algebraic structures such as quasigroups, loops, medial and self-distributive structures, using methods of group theory and universal algebra. My current research projects are mostly about quandles, their use in knot theory, and other structures related to the Yang-Baxter equation. I am also interested in automated theorem proving in service of solving mathematical problems, and cooperate with the ARG group at CIIRC.


PERSONAL Some math related LINKS

Pictures from around the world (most of the text in Czech, sorry):

The diary of my great grandfather from WW1:
     Čeněk Slejška: jaro 1915 - jaro 1916 na ruské frontě