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Cantor organ
is the union of the product
of the Cantor
ternary set
and the unit interval
and all segments
of the form
, where
, resp.) is the closure of a component of
of length
[Kuratowski 1968, p. 191]. See Figure A.
Figure 4.1.2:
( A ) Cantor organ
is an arc-like continuum which is
irreducible between points
, where
, and has exactly four
end points.
- It has uncountably many arc components.
A variation of the Cantor organ is the
Cantor accordion
which is defined as the monotone
image of
under a map that shrinks horizontal bars
to points [Kuratowski 1968, p.
191]. See Figure B.
Figure 4.1.2:
( B ) Cantor accordion
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Next: Arc-like (chainable) continua
Up: Elementary examples
Previous: Sin curve
Janusz J. Charatonik, Pawel Krupski and Pavel Pyrih