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Sin curve

The (topologist's) sin curve S$ is defined by

\displaystyle S=\{\,(x,y)\in \mathbb{R}2: y=\sin\frac1x, 0<x\le 1\,\}\cup \{\,(0,y):-1\le
y\le 1\,\}.$

  1. S$ is irreducible between points (0,y)$ and (1,\sin 1)$, -1\le y\le 1$. It has exactly three end points and two arc components.
  2. It is one of the simplest arc-like continua.
  3. It is a compactification of a ray (0,1]$ with remainder an arc.
  4. It has the periodic-recurrent property [Charatonik et al. 1997b, Corollary 5.10, p. 117].
  5. The only possible confluent nondegenerate images of S$ are an arc and a continuum homeomorphic to S$ [Nadler 1977a].
  6. The hyperspace C(S)$ of all subcontinua of S$ is homeomorphic to the cone over S$ [Nadler 1977b].
See Figure A.

Figure 4.1.1: ( A ) sin curve

There are many variations of the sin curve. Some of them are pictured below. See Figure B-C.

Figure 4.1.1: ( B ) union of two sin curves

Figure 4.1.1: ( C ) union of two sin curves

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Janusz J. Charatonik, Pawel Krupski and Pavel Pyrih