International Summer School on Evolution Equations, Prague, Czech Republic, 9.–13. 7. 2012
The up-to-date schedule can be downloaded here.
Registration will take place in room S6 (2nd floor), in the building of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Malostranské náměstí 2/25, Prague, on Sunday, 8th July, from 5 PM to 8 PM and on Monday, 9th July, from 7:30 AM to 9 AM. (See the travelling page for a map showing the location of the main building.) There is a Wi-Fi network in the building, you will be given a username and password at the registration.
Lectures will take place in the lecture hall S5 (2nd floor) in the building of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Malostranské náměstí 2/25, Prague. (See the travelling page for a map. This is the same building in which the registration will take place.) The up-to-date schedule can be downloaded here.
On Wednesday and Thursday there will be a poster session, where each poster can be introduced by a five minute talk. The posters will be displayed in the corridor in front of the lecture hall. Schedule of the poster session can be downloaded here.
The welcome party will take place on Monday immediately after the last Monday's lecture in the main building. (The same building in which all lectures take place.) The second social event is the cruise by a steamboat on the Vltava river, the cruise is scheduled on Wednesday.