Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes

  • Teachers: Artem Ryabov & Michal Pavelka
  • When and where: Fridays, 12:20 - 13:50, K10C, MFF UK Karlín (will probably change)
  • Our aim is to introduce various theories of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, so that students can apply them in concrete problems.
  • Do you know who were Lars Onsager and Ilya Prigogine? And how to derive evolution equations for complex processes as flows of polymeric fluids or hyperbolic heat conduction?

Belousov Zhabotinsky reaction (4013035510)


  1. Linear theroy: Fundamental postulates and definitions (entropy production, Onsager reciprocal relations), in connection with continuous systems. Balance equations and conservation laws. Relaxation processes. Transport processes in continuous systems. Variational principles. Generalization in biological systems.
  2. Prigogine's evolution criterion and stability. Phenomenological chemical kinetics, nonlinear oscillations, self-organization, and dissipative structures.
  3. Rational thermodynamics (C. Truesdell), Rational Extended Thermdoynamics (I. Müller, T. Ruggeri), Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics (J. Casas-Vazquez, G. Lebon, D. Jou). Applications in polymeric fluids and hyperbolic heat conduction.
  4. Intro to GENERIC (General Equation for Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling, M. Grmela, H.C. Öttinger).


  1. Introduction to non-equilibrium thermodynamics
  2. Classical Irreversible Thermodyamics (CIT)
  3. Chemical kinetics
  4. The principle of minimum entropy production (MINEP).
  5. Projection operator methods
  6. Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics (for hyperbolic heat conduction)
  7. Internal Variables Theory (for polymeric fluids)
  8. Rational thermodynamics (frame indifference)
  9. Rational thermodynamics (for polymeric fluids)
  10. General Equation for Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling (GENERIC)
  11. Prigogine's evolution criterion
  12. Conclusion and possibly exam