Contact information

Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
School of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University in Prague
Sokolovská 83
CZ-186 75 Praha 8
Display map

Phone: (+420) 951 553 229

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2812-8968
WoS ResearcherID: B-1483-2013
Scopus ID: 6602380123



Professional interests:

Design and analysis of case-cohort and case-control studies and clinical trials. Analysis of survival data, discrete data and longitudinal data. Estimation of disease incidence from cross-sectional biological samples. Applications of statistics in occupational epidemiology, oncology, cardiology, pediatrics and HIV/AIDS prevention.

FEV1 and height reference for Cystic Fibrosis patients: Web calculator and software download


Summer semester 2024/25

Winter semester 2024/25

Supervised Theses