Chamonix Feb. 2010
(Photos by Sek, Stepan and Vitek)
By car from Plzen to Chamonix via Montreux near Lac Leman (Lake Geneve, Zenevske jezero)
Petit Enverse du Plan (Small Back-wall Run/Mala zadni stena)
A free-ride run from peak Aiguille du Midi (3898m)
via Vallee Blanche (White valley) through glaciers Glacier du Geant (Glacier of Giant) and Mer de Glace (Sea of Ice) and through Montenvers village to
Chamonix (1000m).
We traversed between the so-called Grand Enverse du Plan and Petit Eneverse du Plan.
Free-ride z Poledni jehly (3898m n. m.) do Chamonix (1000m n. m.) pres ledovce Obra a More ledu a obec
Montenverse. Traverzovali jsme mezi tzv. Vekou a Malou zadní stěnou.
(To the top, Auguille du Midi, we took a cable-car from Chamonix. Na vrchol, Poledni horu, jsme jeli lanovkou z Chamonix.)
Map of typical free-ride runs in Vallee Blanche / Obvykle free-ridy v Bilem udoli
Views from Aiguille du Midi (3898m) / Vyhledy z Poledni jehly masivu
Mont Blancu
Glacier du Geant / Ledovec Obra - pritok ledovce More ledu
From Aiguille du Midi we went on foot for about 100 m. View towards Grandes Jorasses,
small crevasses, and our
start of the descent of the so-called Big Enverse du Plan (Big Back-wa) along the
Col du Rognon (Rock of Rognon). At the bottom of Rognon, we changed to the Petit Enverse du Plan variant. We had
a small pique-nique, with seracs behind. Z Poledni hory jsme sli asi 100 m pesky. Pohled na Grandes Jorasses a trhliny.
Zacatek sjezdu Velke zadni steny. Od utesu Rognon, jsme sjizdeli uz
variantou Male zadni steny (blize k Italiii nez je situovana Velka zadni stena), maly piknik a trhliny ledovce.
End of the Glacier Du Geant (Glacier of Giant)/ Konec ledovce More ledu
Seracs Glacier du Geant - a view from
the Glacier Mer de Glace (Sea of Ice) Towards the Glacier du Geant.
The photo was taken from Glacier Mere du Glace (Sea of Ice) in direction of the Glacier du Geant, Aiguille du Midi, and Mt. Blanc (the latter two are not visible
in the photo).
Bizarni zlomy cela ledovce Obra. Pohled na ledovec Obra (a Ondreje B.) pred vjezdem na ledovec More ledu. Foceno smerem k ledovci Obera a tak i k Poledni hore
a Mont Blancu, ktere nejsou na fotce videt.
End of the Glacier Mer de Glace (Sea of Ice) - caves, measurement of the temperature of thermically stable masses which are then used for interpretation of
changes of the climate at a global scale / Konec More ledu - jeskyne, mereni teplot teplotne stabilnich hmot a zmen klimatu v globalnim meritku
From the Montenvers village to Chamonix. Vorsicht - Courant des Hautes Tension ;-) ==> jump into the wood immediately, S.V.P.
Link to Photos from the Vrai Valle Blanche - another free-ride run
from Aiguille du Midi to Chamonix which I did in 2005/ Odkazy na fotky z free-rideu Prave Bile udoli, opet z Poledni
hory do Chamonix.
Glacier d'Argentiere - a glacier below the peak Grands Montets (3275) - close to Aiguille Verte / Ledovec Argentiere - ledovec pod horou Grands Montets - blizko Zelene jehly.
Chamonix, in blocks-of-flats of the town of Chamonix