Chamonix 2005
- Photos by Micha Mikulasek and Cenda Cenek
(Krepi, Cenda, Micha, Filip, Ondrej, Vit, Marvel, Moris, Morisuv bratr, Sek, Fica, + jeste nekdo od Morise)
Cesta, okoli, jidlo (restaurace u vleku na Grande Montets), city v KT
Free-ride Vrai Vallee Blanche, The Right White valley / Free-ride Prave Bile udoli
A free-ride run from the peak Auguille di Midi (3989m) via White Valley (Vallee Blanche), glacier of Giant (Glacier du Geant),
the See of Ice glacier (Mer du Glace) and the Montenverse village to Chamonix (1000m) / free-ride z Poledni hory [egi di midy], Bilym udolim, ledovec Obra, ledovec
More ledu obec Montenverse [montanverz] do Chamonix.
Maps of typical free-rides at White Valley/ Mapa free-rideu v Bilem udoli
Views from the peak Auguille du Midi, Midday Needle/ Vyhledy z Poledni hory
Neighborhood of Aiguille du Midi/ Okoli Poledni hory
During the run/ Behem sjezdu
The head of the Glacier of Giant - it's possible to see people after enlarging/ Celo ledovce Obra - po zvetseni lze videt postavy
Miscellaneous/ Ruzne - Chamonix, Blanc 4 x (also from the cable car to Aiguille), Aiguille Verte