Subjects of bachelor and master theses are advertised in Student Information System.
There is also a possibility to choose another subject.
Subjects of bachelor theses for students of IES FSV UK are determined after a personal consultation. Theses of this kind consist in learning and exposing some area of mathematics and its applications in some economical models.
Subjects for Phd theses are determined after a personal consultation with an interested student. Such subjects should be related to functional analysis, topology and/or related fields. Interested students may find inspiration in the advertised subjects of master theses.
Below I provide the list of theses currently supervised by me or defended under my supervision. The names of students are omitted, according to the interpretation of GDPR held by the university. Already defended theses are acompannied by links to the public data in the official repository.
Separable reduction theorems, systems of projections and retractions (2010-2014, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Exceptional Sets in Mathematical Analysis (2010-2014, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Quantitative properties of Banach spaces (2012-2016, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Absolute and non-absolute F-Borel spaces (2014-2018, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Rich families of projections and retractions (2015-2018, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK, joint degree with University of Milan)
Convergence in Banach spaces (2018-2022, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Measuring noncompactness in Banach spaces, 2018-
Operator algebras and Jordan structures in functional analysis, 2020-
Separable reduction theorems in functional analysis
(2008-2010, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK;
awarded by Dean's prize for the best
Master thesis in 2009/2010.)
New measures of weak non-compactness (2010-2012, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Convex subsets of dual Banach spaces (2017-2018, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Weak and weak* homeomorphisms (2019-2020, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Basic sequences in Banach spaces (2019-2021, defended at Dept. Math. Anal., MFF UK)
Distributions as generalized measures, 2024-
Simplexoid as unit balls, 2024-
Measures of weak non-compactness in classical spaces, 2025-
Optimal Control Theory in Economic Application (defended in 2008 at IES FSV UK)
Systems of difference equations and their applications in economic models (defended in 2009 at IES FSV UK)
Coordination Games and its Applications in Economics (defended in 2011 at IES FSV UK)
Topologies defined using ideals (defended in 2012 at MFF UK)
Creditor coordination model - discrete case and limit behaviour (defended in 2013 at IES FSV UK;
awarded in the competition of Česká spořitelna in 2013.)