Numerical Software 2, academic year 2024/2025
Lecture notes (main) (updated October 17, 2024) NumSoft.pdf NS2
Lecture notes (implementation of finite element method) FEM-impl.pdf FEM2
Lecture notes (anisotropic mesh adaptation) AMA.pdf
Tutorial 2 (finite precision arithemtic)
Tutorial 3 (use of the cache memory)
Tutorial 5 (Numerical quadratures)
Tutorial 6 (Codes QUANC8 and Q1DA)
Tutorial 7 (ODE, simple test cases)
Tutorial 8 (ODE, main task: RKF45, DOPRI5)
Tutorial 9 (writing a simple C-shell scripts)
Tutorial 10 (basic implementation of FEM)
Tutorial 11 ("sparse" implementation of FEM)
Tutorial 12 (AMA+FEM, Main tasks 3 and 4)
Tutorial 13 (Fast Fourier Transformation)
Tutorial 14 (Multigrid methods)
Tutorial 18 (goal-oriented error estimates)
Efficient programming (use of the cache memory)
angener3.1.tar.gz Anisotropic mesh adaptation, ANGENER code
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)