Seigneur, ouvre mes lèvres, |
et ma bouche publiera ta louange. |
Contents:Preface, Introduction, the introductory notes to the remaining chapters and Bibliography are contained in this pdf file (297 kB). Except for this the thesis contains six published papers from the above list.
- Preface
- Introduction
- Valdivia compacta and continuous images
- Markushevich bases and primarily Lindelöf spaces
- Valdivia type Banach spaces
- Bibliography
- Introduction - pdf file (58 kB)
- Remark on the Point of Continuity Property II (a published joint paper with P.Holicky, see above)
- Note on Connections of Point of Continuity Property and Kuratowski Problem on Function Having the Baire Property (a published paper, see above)
- New Examples of Hereditarily t-Baire Spaces (a published paper, see above)
- Stegall Compact Spaces Which Are Not Fragmentable (a published paper, see above)
- Few remarks on structure of certain spaces of measures - pdf file (209 kB)
We give an example of an Asplund space -
with an
equivalent norm - whose bidual unit ball is not a Valdivia compact.
This answers in the negative a question of J.Orihuela (1992).
Further we introduce a subclass of Asplund spaces, which has nice
stability properties and each element of which has Valdivia bidual unit ball.
This class contains all Asplund spaces whose dual unit ball is
(in particular, all Asplund spaces of density
and all Asplund weakly compactly generated spaces).
We prove in particular that the dual unit ball of a Banach space
X is a Corson compact provided X is of the form
C(K) where K is a continuous image of a
Valdivia compact space, and the dual unit ball of every subspace of
X is Valdivia compact. Another result is that, if
K is a non-Corson continuous image of a Valdivia compact,
there is a continuous image L ofK
such that the dual unit ball of C(L) is not Valdivia.
into Continuous Images of Valdivia Compacta
We prove in particular that a continuous image of a Valdivia
compact space is Corson provided it contains no homeomorphic copy
of the ordinal segment .
This generalizes a result of R.Deville and G.Godefroy who proved it
for Valdivia compact spaces. We give also a refinement of their result
which yields a pointwise version of retractions on a Valdivia compact space.
We prove that the dual unit ball of a Banach space Xis a
Corson compact provided that the dual unit ball with respect to every
equivalent norm on X is a Valdivia compact. As a corollary we
get that the dual unit ball of a Banach space X of density
is Corson if
X has projectional resolution of the identity with respect to
every equivalent norm. These results answer questions posed by M.Fabian,
G.Godefroy and V.Zizler.
We characterize Valdivia compact spaces K in terms of
C(K) endowed with a topology introduced by M.Valdivia (1991).
This generalizes R.Pol's characterization of Corson compact spaces.
Further we study duality, products and open continuous images of Valdivia
compact spaces. We prove in particular that the dual unit ball of
C(K) is Valdivia wheneverK is Valdivia and that
the converse holds whenever K has a dense set of
points. Another result is that
any open continuous image of a Valdivia compact space with a dense set of
points is again Valdivia.
We study topological properties of Valdivia compact spaces. We prove in
particular that a compact Hausdorff space K is Corson
provided each continuous image of K is a Valdivia compact.
This answers a question of M.Valdivia (1997). Another results are that the
class of Valdivia compacta is stable with respect to arbitrary products and
a generalization of the fact that Corson compacta are angelic.
We prove that the dual unit ball of the space
endowed with the weak* topology is not a Valdivia compact. This answers a
question posed to the author by V.Zizler and has several consequences.
Namely, it yields an example of an affine continuous image of a convex
Valdivia compact (in the weak* topology of a dual Banach space) which is not
Valdivia, and shows that the property of the dual unit ball being
Valdivia is not an isomorphic property. Another consequence is that the space
has no countably 1-norming Markusevic basis.
The spaces of Borel probabilities on a topological space X
inherit a number of topological properties of X.
We show in particular that the space of tight probabilities on a Cech-analytic
space is Cech-analytic. Analogical results are shown for several other
classes of generalized analytic and complete topological spaces.
Using modifications of the well-known construction of "double-arrow" space
we give consistent examples of nonfragmentable compact Hausdorff spaces which
belong to Stegall's class . Namely the following
is proved.
(1) If
is less than the least inaccessible cardinal in
hold then there is a nonfragmentable compact Hausdorff space K
such that every minimal usco mapping of a Baire space intoK
is singlevalued at points of a residual set.
(2) If V=L then there is a nonfragmentable compact Hausdorff
space K such that every minimal usco mapping of a completely
regular Baire space intoK
is singlevalued at points of a residual set.
We introduce a new class of hereditarily t-Baire spaces
(defined by G.Koumoullis (1993)) which need not to have the restricted Baire
property in a compactification - as an example serves the space
for A uncountable. We use this and a modification of a
construction of D.Fremlin (1987) to get, under the assumption that there is a
measurable cardinal, an example of a first class function of a hereditarily
t-Baire space into a metric space which has no point of continuity, which shows,
in answer to a question of G.Koumoullis (1993), that the cardinality
restriction in his Theorem 4.1 cannot be dropped.
It is shown in particular that the question whether every extended Borel
class one (e.g.
map of any hereditarily Baire space into a metric space has the point of
continuity property is equivalent to the Kuratowski question whether the
function with the Baire property of any topological space into a metric
space is continuous apart from a meager set. The method of the proof
enables us to get, under the assumption that it is consistent to suppose
that there is a measurable cardinal, examples of ordinary Borel class one maps
of a hereditarily Baire space intoa metric space which have not the point
of continuity property.These examples complete and strengthen an example of
G.Koumoullis, who constructed (under the assumption that there is a
real-valued measurable cardinal
an extended Borel class one function (even
of a hereditarily Baire space into a metric space with no continuity
point but it is not clear whether this map is
We prove in particular that if X is a hereditarily Baire
space which has the tightness less than the least weakly inaccessible cardinal
and each (closed) subspace of Xhas the countable chain condition,
then every Borel class one map of X into a metric space
M has the point of continuity property. In the case of
countable tightness the assumption that every closed subspace has the
countable chain condition is not needed and we get a result of R.W.Hansell