The 50, 70, 80 Conference in Mathematics
Instructions for authors of contributions to the proceedings
The Conference Proceedings
Editors: S.Barza, S.Varošanec
Publisher: Element, Croatia
- each contribution should have up to 10 pages if the author is an invited lecturer or up to 3 pages if the author is a regular participant
- each manuscript should be written in English and typeset preferably in the Latex style which will be posted on this site very soon
- since the copies of the book will be distributed by the regular mail, we need to receive the valid mailing (postal) address of each author (the mailing address will not appear in the article, it will be used solely in order to enable us to distribute the copies of the book)
- the manuscript (in both tex file and pdf file), as well as the mailing addresses, should be sent by email to
- the deadline for the submition is September 30, 2024
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