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Lineární algebra II (1F)

Matematická analýza II (1F)

Matematika pro fyziky II (2F)

Variace na invarianci

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Tajemník MÚUK


Member of the Division of Analysis and Geometry of the Mathematical Institute of the Charles University in Prague.

Research Interests

  • Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Algebras
  • Differential Geometry
  • Clifford Analysis
  • Applications to Mathematical Physics


Šmíd, D., Conformally invariant higher order higher spin operators on the sphere, AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 911 (2012), doi:10.1063/1.4765596

Šmíd, D., A fifth order conformally invariant operator on the sphere, AIP Conf. Proc. 1479, 332 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4756130

Eelbode, D., Šmíd, D., Factorization of Laplace operators on higher spin representations, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 2012, 6, 1011-1023,

Eelbode, D., Šmíd, D., Polynomial Invariants for General Higher Spin Dirac Operators: A Toy Model, ICNAAM 2010, AIP Conference Proceedings 1281, 2010, 1504-1507

Eelbode, D., Šmíd, D., Algebra of invariants for the Rarita-Schwinger operator, Ann. Ac. Sci. Fennicae, 2009, 34, 637-649

Eelbode, D., Šmíd, D., Polynomial invariants for the Rarita-Schwinger operator, Hypercomplex Analysis, Birkhäuser Basel, 2009, 125-135

Šmíd, D., Properties of invariant differential operators, doctoral thesis, MFF UK, Praha, 2005, dsrtc.pdf, supervisor: Vladimír Souček.

Šmíd, D., The Poisson transform for higher order differential operators, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Serie II. Supplemento, 75, 2005, 317-323

Šmíd, D., The BGG Diagram for Contact Orthogonal Geometry of Even Dimension, Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica, 45, 79-96, 2004

Šmíd, D., Vlastnosti řešení konformně invariantních rovnic ve vyšších dimenzích, diplomová práce, MFF UK, Praha, 2001.

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