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Lineární algebra I (F)

Geometrie (U)

Geometrie 1 (M)

Matematika pro fyziky I (F)

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Tajemník MÚUK


2014 - now: Lecturer at the Mathematical Institute of the Charles University

2004 - 2013: Assistant Professor at the Mathematical Institute of the Charles University

2004 - 2005: postdoctoral position at the Eduard Čech Center for Algebra and Geometry

2004: three-months stay at the University of Vienna

2003: three-months stay at the University of Edinburgh

2001 - 2004: Faculty od Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague, Ph. D. studies in Mathematics, specialisation Geometry, topology and global analysis, Doctoral thesis Properties of invariant differential operators, supervised by Prof. RNDr. Vladimír Souček, DrSc.''

1996 - 2001: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague, Master studies in Physics, specialisation Theoretical Physics, Diploma Thesis Properties of solutions if conformally invariant equations in higher dimensions, supervised by Prof. RNDr. Vladimír Souček, DrSc.

1992 - 1996: high school studies at Gymnázium Plzeň, Mikulášské náměstí 23, specialisation Mathematics

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Page last modified on February 16, 2015, at 04:34 PM