Citace, reference, odkazy, ...
Příklady označené
jsou podle Frank S. Budnick :
" Applied Mathematics for busines, economics, and the social
Sciences ", McGraw-Hill KOGAKUSHA, LTD., Tokyo 1979
jsou podle G. Eason, C.W. Coles, G. Gettingby :
" Mathematics and Statistics for the Bio-Sciences",
Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics & its Applications,
Ellis Horwood Limited Publishers, Chichester 1980
jsou podle R. Fraga :
"Calculus Problems for a mew century",
Volume 2, Resources for Calculus,
MAA Notes Number 28,
The Mathematical Association of America ,
jsou podle Donald J. Newman : " A problem seminar",
(Problem books in mathematics), 1982 Springer-Verlag New York