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is a continuum homeomorphic to
the inverse limit
of the inverse sequence of unit circles
in the complex
plane with bonding maps
, where
is a sequence of prime numbers; it is
called a
-adic solenoid
. The solenoid
is known as a
dyadic solenoid
Geometrically, solenoid
can be described
as the intersection of a sequence of solid tori
such that
times around
folding and
-thin, for each
, where
See Figure A.
Figure 4.3.1:
( A ) dyadic selenoid
( AA ) dyadic selenoid - an animation
( AAA ) dyadic selenoid - an animation with a knot ;-)
- Each solenoid can be constructed (up to a homeomorphism)
as the quotient space of the product
by identifying
each point
, where
a homeomorphism of the Cantor set
such that
for every
there exist a closed-open subset
and a positive integer
such that
is a cover of
consisting of
pairwise disjoint subsets of
with diameters less than
[Gutek 1980].
- Each solenoid
is an Abelian
topological group with a group operation
and the neutral element
- Either of the following conditions is equivalent for a
nondegenerate continuum
different from
a simple closed curve to be a solenoid.
is homeomorhic to a one-dimensional
topological group [Hewitt 1963];
is indecomposable and is homeomorphic to a topological group
[Chigogidze 1996, Theorem 8.6.18];
is circle-like, has the
property of Kelley and contains no
local end point [Krupski 1984c, Theorem (4.3)];
is circle-like, has the property of Kelley, each proper
nondegenerate subcontinuum of
is an arc and
has no
end pointsend point;
is circle-like, has the property of Kelley and has an
open cover by Cantor bundles of open arcs (i.e., sets homeomorphic
to the product
of the Cantor set
and the
open interval
) [Krupski 1982];
is homogeneous, contains no proper,
nondegenerate, terminal subcontinua
and sufficiently small subcontinua of
are not
-ods [Krupski 1995, Theorem
is a homogeneous curve containing an open subset
such that some component of
does not have the
disjoint arcs property [Krupski 1995, p.
is a homogeneous finitely cyclic (or, equivalently,
-junctioned) curve that is not tree-like and contains no
nondegenerate, proper, terminal subcontinua
[Krupski et al. XXXXb], [Duda et al. 1991].
is openly homogeneous and
sufficiently small subcontinua of
are arcs
[Prajs 1989];
- Solenoid
is a continuous image of
if and only if the sequence
is a
factorant of sequence
, i.e.,
there exists
such that for each
there is
is a factor of
Two solenoids are homeomorphic if and only if each of them is a
continuous image of another
[Cook 1967], [D. van Dantzig 1930, Satz 8, p. 122].
There is a family of solenoids of cardinality
such that no member of the family is a continuous image of another.
- Each monotonemonotone map image of a solenoid
homeomorphic to
[Krupski 1984b, Theorem 5].
Each open map transforms
onto a solenoid or onto
an arc-like continuum with the property of Kelley and with arcs
as proper nondegenerate subcontinua; if the map is a local homeomorphism,
then its image is a solenoid [Krupski 1984a].
- The composant of a solenoid
is a one-parameter
topological subgroup of
, i.e. it is a one-to-one continuous
homomorphic image of the additive group of the reals.
- Any two composants of any two solenoids are
homeomorphic [R. de Man 1995].
- No solenoid can be mapped onto a strongly self-entwined continuum. In
particular, it cannot be mapped onto a circle-like plane
continuum which is a common part of a descending sequence of
circular chains
such that
clockwisely and then
counter-clockwisely and the first link of
contains the
closure of the first link of
[Rogers 1971b].
- No movable continuum (in particular no
continuum lying in a surface or a tree-like continuum) can be continuously mapped onto a
solenoid. Alternatively, if the first Alexander-Cech
cohomology group of a continuum
is finitely
divisiblefinitely divisible group, then
cannot be
mapped onto a solenoid [Krasinkiewicz 1976, Remark, p. 46, 4.1, 4.9.,
5.1], [Krasinkiewicz 1978, Corollary
7.3], [Rogers 1975].
- Every nonplanar, circle-like continuum has the
shape of a solenoid [Krasinkiewicz 1976, remark, p.
46]. Two solenoids have the same shape
if and only if they are homeomorphic
[Godlewski 1970].
- Any autohomeomorphism
is isotopic
to a homeomorphism
which is induced by a map
of the inverse sequences which
can be a group translation,
the involution, a power map or its inverse, or compositions
of these maps). Maps
have equal the topological
entropies and are
semi-conjugate if the entropy is positive
[Kwapisz 2001, Theorems 1-3, pp. 252-253], [D. van Dantzig 1930, Satz
9, p. 125].
The topological group of all autohomeomorphisms
(with the compact-open topology) of a solenoid
is homeomorphic (but not isomorphic)
to the the product
is the Hilbert space and the group
of all topological group automorphisms of
is equipped with
the discrete topology and it is equal to
[Keesling 1972, Theorems 3.1 and 2.4].
- If the spaces of all autohomeomorphisms of two solenoids are homeomorphic,
then the solenoids are isomorphic as topological groups
[Keesling 1972, Corollary 3.9].
- Any map
for every
-homotopic to a map
induced by a map
between inverse sequences
defining the corresponding solenoids [Rogers et al. 1971].
- A
-adic solenoid admits a mean if and
only if infinitely many numbers in the sequence
equal 2 [Krupski XXXXa]. The same condition is
equivalent to the non-existence of exactly 2-to-1 map
defined on the solenoid [Debski 1992].
- The hyperspace of all subcontinua of any
is homeomorphic the cone over
[Rogers 1971a], [Nadler 1991, p. 202].
- The family of all solenoids in the cube
(as a subset of the hyperspace
) is Borel
and not
[Krupski XXXXc].
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of properties of individual continua.
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ies of individual continua.
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Janusz J. Charatonik, Pawel Krupski and Pavel Pyrih