Lectures & Tutorials
- For PhD and MSc students. Spring 2021/2022
- Where & when = Thursdays, 14:00-16:30, K9.
- Language: Czech or English
- Requirements for the exam: To pass thee exam you should understand the fundamental parts of the theory.
- Requirements for the tutorials: To pass the practicals, you should solve the homework problems and pass the test.
- Some content is based on our book.
- The Julia parts are based on lectures of Jürgen Fuhrmann (WIAS).

- Principals of operation: Battery (lead acid), hydrogen fuel cells, vanadium redox flow battery. Levels of description. Entropy, principle of maximum entropy (MaxEnt), microcanonical, canonical, grand-canonical distributions, fermions, bosons.
- Liouville entropy, Boltzmann entropy, entropy of ideal gas, thermodynamic potentials, Legendre tranformations, functional derivatives, chemical potential
- Entropy for binary mixtures, thermodynamic potentials for ideal mixture. Activities. Adsorption, Langmuir isotherm.
- Heat, work and approach to equilibrium. Electrostatics (capacitor, Debye screening) and electrodynamics
- Compressible fluid mechanics. Electrodynamics of charged fluids. Reduction of electrodynamics of charged fluids to mechanical equilibrium, electrochemical potential. Electrochemical reactions. Introduction to Julia.
- Electrodynamics and mixtures. Maxwell-Stefan interdiffusion equations. Finite volume method. Jürgen Fuhrmann's package VoronoiFVM.
- Modeling of fuel cells
- Keywords: Chemical potential (pure substances and dilute solutions), Gibbs energy, entropy of mixing, electrochemical potential, electrodiffusion equations, electrochemical reactions, fuel cells, batteries, finite volume method.