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@book{Verne-From-The-Earth-EN, author = {Verne, Jules}, annote = {8 February 1828 Nantes – 24 March 1905 Amiens}, title = {From the Earth to the Moon}, booktitle = {De la Terre \`{a} la Lune}, year = {1865}, edition = {1874}, publisher = {Scribner, Armstrong and Company}, note = {First translated to English by J. K. Hoyt, 1869}, comment = {First man on the moon: Neil Armstrong, 1969}, }% key = {Happy New Year 2015},
@book{Verne-Do-Mesice-CZ, author = {Verne, Jules}, annote = {8. unor 1828 Nantes – 24. brezen 1905 Amiens}, title = {Ze Zem\v{e} na M\v{e}s\'{\i}c}, booktitle = {De la terre \`{a} la lune}, year = {1865}, edition = {1894}, publisher = {J. R. Vil\'{\i}mek, Praha 1894}, note = {Prvni cesky preklad: Jaroslav \v{C}erm\'{a}k, 1894}, annote = {P\r{u}vodni cesky nazev: Do Mesice}, annote = {Jako free verzi jsem nasel jen Svatopluka Cecha. {frown}}, annote = {Kdo objevi free ceskou verzi verneovky, prosim poslat, diky.}, }% key = {Pour Feliciter 2015},
@book{Verne-de-la-Terre-FR, author = {Verne, Jules}, annote = {8 f\`{e}vrier 1828 \`{a} Nantes 24 mars 1905 \`{a} Amiens}, title = {De la Terre \`{a} la Lune}, year = {1865}, publisher = {Pierre-Jules Hetzel et Compagnie}, }% key = {Bonne annee 2015},