FRIDAY, January 17

Morning Session (Chairman: A. Quilis)

9:00-9:45M. SANTILLI: Uniqueness of sets of positive reach
by curvature measures (V)
9:55-10:25O. KALENDA: Simpliciality without constants
10:55-11:20 J. SPURNÝ: Choquet theory of vector-valued function spaces
11:30-11:55R. SMITH: A Choquet theory of Lipschitz-free spaces

Afternoon Session (Chairman: J. Rataj)

15:45-16:05M. PÁLFY: Generic compact metric Abelian connected group
16:10-16:35C. PAN: A Mazurkiewicz set containing two Sierpiński-Zygmund functions
16:40-17:00M. CÚTH: Separable Banach spaces with Gδ isometry class
17:30-17:55 T. ZÜRCHER: Solutions of the Matkowski–Wesołowski problem and jumps
18:05-18:30H. WIRZENIUS: Closed subideals of the Banach algebra of bounded
operators on a Banach space
18:40-19:00O. ZINDULKA: Dominated sets and Hausdorff measures