Topics for master degree and doctoral thesis are available at SIS.
A topic of a master degree thesis or a doctoral thesis can be chosen after personal communication.
Jaromír Mielec, Sobolev mappings: Extension, approximation and properties of the Jacobian, 2024-
Anna Doležalová, Nonlinear classes of mappings: properties and approximation, 2019-2023
Ondřej Bouchala, Geometric Function Theory and its application in Nonlinear Elasticity, 2018-2023
Daniel Campbell, Properties of mappings of finite distortion, 2013-2017.
Tomáš Roskovec, Properties of Sobolev mappings, 2012-2017.
Luděk Kleprlík, Properties of weakly differentiable functions and mappings, 2009-2014.
Jakub Petr, Jacobians of Sobolev and BV homeomorphisms and their limits, 2024-.
Jaromír Mielec, Extension of Sobolev homeomorphism, 2022-2024.
Ondřej Bouchala, Measures of noncompactness of Sobolev embeddings, 2015-2018.
Martin Fiala, Sobolev mappings and Cantor type counterexamples, 2011-2015.
Tomáš Roskovec, Sobolev embedding theorem on domains without Lipschitz boundary, 2010-2012.
Milan Matějka, Sobolev mappings and Luzin condition N, 2010-2012.
František Konopecký, Differentiability of the inverse mapping, 2008-2011.
Daniel Campbell, Properties of mappings of finite distortion, 2008-2011.
Luděk Kleprlík, Sobolev spaces and composition of mappings, 2007-2009.
Václav Janeček, Construction of a continuous increasing function with zero derivative on a dense set, 2024-.
Filip Vencl, Topological degree and its properties, 2023-2024.
Jakub Petr, Ball-Evans approximation problem in one dimension, 2023-2024.
Martin Dolák, Hausdorff and capacitary dimension, 2022-2024.
Adam Štěpánek, Space filling curves, 2019-2020.
David Hruška, Typical continuous and integrable functions, 2015-2016.
Ondřej Bouchala, Construction of a von Koch snowflake, 2014-2015.
Dominik Šulc, Three lakes problem, 2014-2016.
Filip Hladký, Absolutely continuous function and functions of bounded variation, 2012-2013.
Tomáš Roskovec, Construction of counterexamples on bad domains, 2009-2010.
Vojtěch Luhan, Repeated games of incomplete information, 2009-2010.
Bohdan Maslowski, Motivation of mathematical analysis for students of computer science, 2008-2010.
Martin Fiala, Properties of Cantor function, 2008-2011.
František Konopecký, Functional equations, 2007-2008.
Petr Koronthály, Function spaces in dimension one, 2007-2009.
Petr Staněk, The Solow growth model, 2007-2008.
Luděk Kleprlík, Continuous and partially continuous functions, 2006-2007.