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Scott Congreve


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function dydt = bruss(t,y,N)
% BRUSS Implements brussator ODE

% Derivative function
c = 0.02 * (N+1)^2;
dydt = zeros(2*N,size(y,2));      % preallocate dy/dt

% Evaluate the 2 components of the function at one edge of the grid
% (with edge conditions).
i = 1;
dydt(i,:) = 1 + y(i+1,:).*y(i,:).^2 - 4*y(i,:) + c*(1-2*y(i,:)+y(i+2,:));
dydt(i+1,:) = 3*y(i,:) - y(i+1,:).*y(i,:).^2 + c*(3-2*y(i+1,:)+y(i+3,:));

% Evaluate the 2 components of the function at all interior grid points.
i = 3:2:2*N-3;
dydt(i,:) = 1 + y(i+1,:).*y(i,:).^2 - 4*y(i,:) + ...
dydt(i+1,:) = 3*y(i,:) - y(i+1,:).*y(i,:).^2 + ...

% Evaluate the 2 components of the function at the other edge of the grid
% (with edge conditions).
i = 2*N-1;
dydt(i,:) = 1 + y(i+1,:).*y(i,:).^2 - 4*y(i,:) + c*(y(i-2,:)-2*y(i,:)+1);
dydt(i+1,:) = 3*y(i,:) - y(i+1,:).*y(i,:).^2 + c*(y(i-1,:)-2*y(i+1,:)+3);