How to get "Petrska" accommodation
This page is for those who want find the "Petrska" accommodation on their own.The address of the accommodation:
kolej UK
Petrska 3
110 00 Praha 1
Czech RepublicPhone +420 - 2 - 2315189
Below you find two maps. The first one shows the whole Prague with the position of the second map within Prague, indicated by the blue rectangular. The second map shows the local situation in the neighbourhood of the "Petrska" street.
The easiest way to find the "Petrska" accommodation is to use the Prague metro system to reach the station "Florenc" (lies on both the "B" and "C" lines) and then go by foot (it's about 300 meters). In general, you start in the direction "to go under the highway", and continuing straighforwardly you find yourself on the "Na porici" street. Your destination, the "Petrska" street is then next parallel street to the right.
Concerning the map, in fact, there is one misprint on the picture above, since the building itself is on the other side of the street than the picture indicates. To be exact, the building you search for is on the place of a letter "k" in "Petrske nam".
Hope you find it.
Mirko Rokyta