The 46th Summer School on Algebra and Ordered Sets in 2008 took place in the city of Třešť (pronounce Trzhesht) at Castle Trest (Zámecký hotel Třešť). The Summer School started on Sunday August 31, 2008 and ended on Saturday September 6, 2008.

The School was devoted to universal algebra, ordered structures and related complexity issues and logics. The program consisted of three tutorials, two invited lectures, and short contributed talks of the participants. The invited talks were be delivered by
- tutorials:
- Nikolaos Galatos (Denver Uni., USA) on residuated lattices [abstract] [slides]
- Ross Willard (Uni. of Waterloo, Canada) on universal algebra and computational complexity [abstract] [slides I] [slides II] [slides III]
- Andrei Krokhin (Uni. of Durham, UK) on algebraic approach to Constraint Satisfaction Problem [abstract] [slides I] [slides II] [slides III]
- lectures:
The presentations of invited speakers and participants can be found at the participant list. Some of the pictures taken by participants during the summer school are available here. A preview of the album can be found here.