- On the mixed boundary value problem of the theory of
analytic functions (Czech),
Časopis Pěst. Mat. 91 (1966), 320 -
336 . (MR 34 #6113)
- Connection of a cyclic and radial variation of a path
with its length and bend (Czech) (with J.Štulc)
Časopis Pěst. Mat. 93 (1968), 80 -
116. (MR 39 #384)
- On the limits of the potential of the double
distribution [preliminary communication] ,
Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 10 (1969),
189 - 194 . (MR 40 #2896)
- Some properties of the double-layer potentials (Czech),
Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
University, Praha (1969), 1 - 70 .
- Angular limits of double-layer potentials (Czech),
Časopis Pěst. Mat. 95 (1970), 379 -
(MR 52 3558)
- On the heat potential of the double distribution, Časopis
Pěst. Mat. 98 (1973), 181 - 198 .
(MR 48 2410)
- Some properties of a generalized heat potential,
Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 15 (1974),
357 - 360 . (MR 58 7815)
- Some remarks on Dirichlet problem (in: Nonlinear
Evolution Equations and Potential Theory (ed.J.Král),
Academia, Praha 1975, 125 - 132 . (MR 58
- On a Generalized Heat Potential, Czechoslovak
Math. J. 25 (1975), 404 - 423. (MR
52 11086)
- Henri Lebesgue (on the occasion of 100th anniversary
of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 20 (1975), 301 - 307 . (MR
58 10199)
- Bernhard Riemann (on the occasion of 150th}
anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka),
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 21 (1976),
143 - 149. (MR 58 10200)
- Ivar Fredholm and the origins of functional analysis
(Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 22
(1977), 10 - 21. (MR 58 27081)
- Gosta Mittag-Leffler (on the fiftieth anniversary of
his death) (Czech) (with I.Netuka) Pokroky
Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 22 (1977), 241--245.
(MR 58 4947)
- An inequality for finite sums in Rm
(with I.Netuka), Časopis Pěst. Mat. 103
(1978), 73 - 77.
(MR 58 1062)
- Harmonic continuation and removable singularities in
the axiomatic potential theory (with I.Netuka),
Math. Ann. 234 (1978), 117 - 123. (MR
58 1210)
- The Dirichlet problem and the Keldyš theorem
(Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 24
(1979), 77 - 88. (MR 82f: 01126)
- Regions of harmonicity, (with I.Netuka), Amer.
Math. Monthly 87 (1980), 203 - 205. (MR
81f: 31008)
- Sequence Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem
[preliminary communication], Comment. Math. Univ.
Carolin. 20 (1979), 193.
- Sequence Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem,
Časopis Pěst. Mat. 106 (1981), 84 -
93. (MR 83h: 31012)
- Dirichlet Problem in the Theory of Harmonic Kernels,
Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
University, Praha 1979, 1 - 111.
- F.Riesz and the mathematics of the twentieth century (Czech),
(with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 25 (1980),
128 - 138. (MR 83g: 01077)
- Bolzano's function (Czech), Rozhledy mat. fyz. 60
(1981), 251 - 254.
- Integral equations in potential theory (Czech)
(with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 28
(1983), 22 - 38. (MR 85b: 31001)
- Restricted Mean Value Property in Axiomatic Potential
Theory , Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 23 (1982),
613 - 628. (MR 84c: 31010)
- Some Aspects of Modern Potential Theory, Recent
Trends in Mathematics, Teubner-Texte zur Math. B
50, Teubner, Leipzig 1983, 284 - 293.
- Eduard Helly, convexity and functional analysis
(Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 29 (1984), 301 - 312. (MR
86e: 01025)
- On harmonic functions (solution of the problem 6393 [1982, 502] proposed by
G.A.Edgar) (with I.Netuka), Amer. Math. Monthly 91
(1984), 61 - 62.
- Summation of Divergent Series (Czech) (in:
Světonázorová výchova v matematice, Jednota čs.
matematiků a fyziků, Praha 1987, 169 - 186.
- Remarks on Mathematical Analysis as Part of Studies
of Intending Teachers (in: Proceedings of the
Conference on Didactical Problems in the University
Education of Mathematics Teachers), Charles University,
Praha 1987, 231 - 236.
- Recollection of Professor Marcel Brelot (Czech)
(with J.Král, J.Lukeš and I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 33 (1988), 170 - 173. (MR
- Potential Theory: Surveys and Problems (Editor
with J.Král, J.Lukeš and I.Netuka), Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 1344, Springer - Verlag,
Berlin, 1988.
- Proceeding of the Conference on Potential Theory,
Praha, 1987, (Editor with J.Král, J.Lukeš and
I.Netuka), Plenum Press, New York, 1988.
- Mathematical Analysis: When, Why and What, (in:
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Didactical
Problems in the University Education of Mathematics
Teachers, Charles University, Praha 1989, 127 - 133.
- Professor Ilja Černý (on the occasion of 60th
anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka),
Časopis Pěst. Mat.} 114 (1989), 311 -
315. (MR 90j: 01092)
- Mathematical Texts and Personal Computers (Czech)
(with O.Ulrych and J.Vosmanský), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 35 (1990), 1 - 12.
- Problems No. 3, 9 and 13,
Problem Section, in: Potential Theory,
Copenhagen, 1979, (Proceedings), Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 787, Springer - Verlag, Berlin, 1980, 316 -
- On the theorem of Fermat (Czech), Rozhledy
matematicko-fyzikální 69 (1990/91), 323 - 325.
- Professor Jan Mařík (on the occasion of 70th
anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka),
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 36 (1991),
125 - 126. (MR 1146849)
- Sixty Years of Josef Král (on the ocassion of 60th
anniversary of birth) (with J.Lukeš and I.Netuka),
Czechoslovak Math. J. 41 (1991), 751 -
765. (MR 92h: 01059)
- Sixty Years of Josef Král (on the ocassion of 60th
anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with J.Lukeš and
I.Netuka), Math. Bohemica (Časopis Pěst. Mat.) 116
(1991), 425 - 438. (MR 92m: 01068)
- Remarks on the course of Mathematical Analysis
(Czech), Celostátní seminář kateder matematiky fakult
připravujících učitele matematiky 6.-8.9.1993, UJEP,
Ústí/L. 1993, 5 - 27.
- Mean Value Property and Harmonic Functions (with
I.Netuka) ( In: Classical and Modern Potential Theory and
Applications NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic
Publishers), Dordrecht 1994, 359 - 398. (MR
96c: 31001)
- Martin Compactification for Discrete Potential Theory
and the Mean Value Property (with A.Cornea),
Potential Analysis 4 (1995), 547 - 569.
(MR 96k: 31005)
- Is there a king's road to exponential and logarithmic
function? (Czech, content of the lecture), 5.
setkání matematiků všech typů a stupňů škol,
Mariánské Lázně 2.-4.11.1995, Jednota českých
matematiků a fyziků, Plzeň 1995, 13 - 17.
- Teaching activities of Jan Mařík, Mathematica
Bohemica (Časopis Pěst. Mat.) 121 (1996),
337 - 347. (MR 97m: 01088)
- Pi or 3.14159... (I,II) (Czech), Učitel
matematiky 3 (1996), č.3, 1 - 10, č.4, 1 - 13.
- Is there a kings road to exponential and logarithmic
function? (I,II) (Czech), Učitel matematiky 4
(1996), č.2, 65 - 80, č.3, 129 - 145.
- Remarks on the history of function gamma (Czech),
in: Člověk - umění - matematika (edit. Bečvář, J.,
Fuchs, E.), Prometheus, Praha 1996, 49 - 71.
- Golden section and some related things I, II (Czech),
Učitel matematiky 6 (1998), č.3, 153 -
158, a 7 (1999), č.1, 14 - 24.
- Recent results on number Pi (Czech), Pokroky
Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 43 (1998), 217 -
- On sumability of series I, II (Czech), Učitel
matematiky 7 (1999), č.3, 137 - 145, a
č.4, 201 - 206.
- Pedagogical activities of Vojtěch Jarnik, in:
Life and work of Vojtěch Jarnik (edit. Novák, B.),
Society of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists,
Prometheus, Praha 1999, 83 - 94.
- Generating functions (with P. Trojovský),
(Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 45
(2000), 7 - 35.
- Choquet's theory and the Dirichlet problem (with
J. Lukeš and I. Netuka), (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 45 (2000), 98 - 124.
- Centenary of the Baire category theorem (with I.
Netuka), (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 45
(2000), 232 - 256.
- Remarks on Gamma function, in: Jubilee kateder
matematiky TUL 2000 (edit. Vild, J.),
Technická univerzita Liberec, Liberec 2000, 91 - 96.
- Seminar on mathematical analysis 1967 - 2001
(Editor with M. Dont, J. Lukeš and I. Netuka), Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Praha
- Professor Gustave Choquet Doctor Universitatis
Carolinae Honoris Causa Creatus (Editor with J.
Lukeš and I. Netuka), Matfyzpress, Praha 2002.
- Choquet's theory of capacities (with J. Lukeš and I.
Netuka), (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 47 (2002),
- Choquet's theory and the Dirichlet problem (with
J. Lukeš and I. Netuka; translation of (55)),
Expositiones Math. 20 (2002), 229-254. (MR
2003i: 31001)
- Weierstrass approximation theorem (Czech),
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 47 (2002),
- Weierstrass' theorem before Weierstrass, written
for HAT (2003),
- Sixty years of Ivan Netuka (with J. Král), Mathematica
Bohemica 129 (2004), 91-107. (MR 2048789)
- Mathematical work of Nicu Boboc, Fifty years of Modern potential
theory in Bucharest, Institute of Mathematics of Simion Stoilov of Romanian
Academy, Bucharest 2004, 3-21.
- In memory of Josef Král,
Czech. Math. Journal 56 (131) (2006), 1063-1083
- A Fourierian anniversary (Czech),
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 52 (2007), 282-295
- Life and work of Aurel Cornea, Potential Theory and Stochastics
in Albac, XVII-XXVI (Theta 2009)
- Euler
from another viewpoint,
Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 58
(2013), 301 - 310.
Texts for students (only in Czech)
- Problems in mathematical analysis, Charles
University, Praha, 1970; SPN, Praha, 1972 , (Coauthor)
- Problems in mathematical analysis III,
Charles University, Praha, 1972, (with I.Netuka)
- Problems in functional analysis, MFF UK, Praha,
1972, (with I.Netuka)
- Potential theory II, SPN, Praha, 1972, (with
J.Král and I.Netuka)
- Potential theory III, SPN, Praha, 1976, (with
J.Král and I.Netuka)
- Potential theory IV, SPN, Praha, 1977, (with
J.Král and I.Netuka)
- Problems in mathematical analysis (Measure
and integration), MFF UK, Praha, 1982, (with
- Philosophical problems of mathematics III, SPN,
Praha, 1985, (Coauthor)
- Mathematical analysis for prospective teachers - Matematická analýza pro
učitele, Matfyzpress, Praha 1997, 2nd ed. 2001
- Complex analysis for prospective teachers - Komplexní analýza pro učitele,
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Karolinum, Praha 2000
- Foundations of Mathematical Analysis I - Základy
matematické analýzy I. Matfyzpress, Praha 2004. (Revised
and enlarged version of Mathematical analysis for prospective
teachers (see 9)
- Foundations of Mathematical Analysis II - Základy
matematické analýzy II. Matfyzpress, Praha 2009.
and enlarged version of Mathematical analysis for prospective
teachers II (see 9).
- Ordinary (linear) differential equations and theier systems - Obyčejné
(lineární) diferenciální rovnice a jejich systémy. Technická
univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2012, (with M. Brzezina)
- Introduction to complex analysis - Úvod do komplexní analýzy. Technická
univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2012, (with M. Brzezina)
- Fourier series - Fourierovy řady. Technická
univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2013, (with M. Brzezina)
- Some important numbers - Některá důležitá čísla, Technická
univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2013, (with M. Brzezina)
Všeobecné publikace (mostly in Czech only)
- O přijímání posluchačů ke studiu na MFF,
Matematika ve škole 18 (8), 459 - 462.
- Výzkumná zpráva pro VÚSTE (s M.Vlachem)
[nepublikována tiskem]
- Ohlédnutí za soutěží ISTAM, (s J.Lukešem),
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 26 (1981),
292 - 293.
- Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků, (s
I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 26
(1981), 293 - 294.
- Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků MSV 81,
(editor sborníku s I.Netukou), MFF UK, Praha 1981
- Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků MSV 82,
(editor sborníku s I.Netukou), MFF UK, Praha 1982
- II. ročník matematické soutěže vysokoškoláků,
(s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 28
(1983), 48 - 49.
- Mezinárodní matematická soutěž ISTAM, (s
I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 29
(1984), 46 - 47.
- Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicist,
(with L.Pátý), Jednota čs. matematiků a fyziků,
Praha 1984
- Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků MSV 85,
(editor sborníku s I.Netukou), MFF UK, Praha 1985
- Pět ročníků matematické soutěže
vysokoškoláků, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 31 (1986), 234 - 237.
- The Banach-Tarski Paradox (o knize S. Wagona),
(s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 32
(1987), 227 - 230. (MR 85i: 01024)
- Mezinárodní konference o teorii potenciálu (Praha),
(s J. Králem, J. Lukešem a I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat.
Fyz. Astronom. 33 (1988), 108 - 110.
- TeX - a program for DTP (Czech), Programy pro
osobní počítače V., ČSVTS - FEL - ČVUT, Praha 1989,
142 - 147.
- TeX - typographical program for exacting users
(Czech), Výpočetní technika na vysokých
školách 12, 33 - 37.
- TeX - DTP programme for typographers (Czech)
(with O.Ulrych), Typografia ()
- Mezinárodní konference o teorii potenciálu
(Nagoya), (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom.
36 (1991)
- Ohlédnutí za Matematickou soutěží
vysokoškoláků, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 36 (1991), 246
- Studium matematiky na německých univerzitách,
(s J. Danešem a I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 36
(1991), 296 - 301.
- Koncepce vzdělávání v České republice
(spoluautor), Učitelské noviny 94
(1991), č. 29
- Koncepce vzdělávání v České republice
(spoluautor), zvláštní číslo časopisu M-F-I.
- TeX in Czechoslovakia, TUGboat 12
(1991), č., ? - ?
- Jak na to ? TeXbulletin 1
(1991) č. 3, 27 - 32.
- Kdo je to: The Grand Wizard, TeXbulletin 2
(1992), č. 1, 27 - 28.
- Tabulky v plaintexu, TeXbulletin 3 (1993),
č.1, 10 - 23.
- Potential Theory - ICPT 94, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Potential Theory held in
Kouty, August 13 - 20, 1994 (Editor with J. Král, J.
Lukeš and J. Veselý), W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 1996
- Rudin's textbooks on Mathematical Analysis (with
I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 40
(1995), 11 - 17.
- Notes on Thesis in Didactics of Mathematics, in: Didactics, history, fundamentals of
Mathematics, Proceedings of the seminar on PhD
studies in the Czech Republic, Kostelec/Č.l.,
22.-24.6.1995, MPS JČMF, 1996, 18 - 21.
- Seminar on Mathematical Analysis. Potential Theory
and Related Topics (coeditor), MFF UK, Praha 1996
- Remarks on the history of the gamma function (Czech), in: Man - Art
- mathematics, Dej. Math./Hist. Math. 4, Prometheus, Prague, 1996, 49 - 71.
(MR 2003e: 01047)
- On some important series (Czech), in: Man - Art - mathematics, Dej. Math./Hist. Math. 4, Prometheus, Prague,
1996, 137 - 154.
- On a small experiment with the name Pexider (Czech), in: Dějiny matematiky, Sv. 5, Ed. J. Bečvář, MVS JČMF,
Praha, 1997, 61 - 64.
- Seventieth birthday of Prof. Ilja Černý ? (Czech)
(with M. Brzezina) in: Jubilee kateder matematiky TUL
2000 (edit. Vild, J.), Technická univerzita Liberec,
Liberec 2000, 6 - 7.
- Important jubilee of I. Netuka
(Czech) (with M. Brzezina and J. Lukeš),
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 49 (2004),
76 - 78.
- Memories
on Professor Aurel Cornea (Czech)
(with I. Netuka and J. Lukeš),
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 50 (2005), 343-344.
- Digitalisation
project DML-CZ (Czech) (with
O. Ulrych), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 52
(2007), 260 - 261.
- An experiment with the name Pexider, in: Jan Vilém Pexider (1874
-- 1914), Matfyzpress, Prague 2009
- DML-CZ - presence and future, (Czech)
O. Ulrych), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 54
(2009), 224 - 231..
- Several remarks on the history of CSTUG, (Czech),
Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu 19
(2009), 3 - 6
- Remarks on the history of functional equations - Poznámky k historii
funkcionálních rovnic (Czech), in: Proceedings of the 31.
conference of the History of Mathematics, Eds. J. Bečvář and Martina Bečvářová,
Matfyzpress, Praha 2010, 29 - 50.
- A Mathematical Anniversary, Acta Universitatis Carolinae -
Mathematica et Physica, Vol. 52, No.2, 3 - 6.
- One hundred years of the mathematics building in Prague, (Czech),
Pokroky Mat.
Fyz. Astronom. 57 (2012), 36 - 49.
- The
Moscow Mathematical Society, Egorov and Luzin, (Czech), Pokroky
Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 59
(2014), 319-334.
- Mathematics
and Second World War (Czech), Pokroky
Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 61
(2016), 21-38.
- A Survey in l'Enseignement Mathématique and Matyáš Lerch, (Czech) (with L. Balková), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 61 (2016), 285 - 294.
- W.Rudin: Real and complex analysis, Academia,
Praha, 1977 (translation into Czech with I.Netuka) (MR
58 15765)
- S. J. Taylor: Pravidelnost náhodnosti, (s
I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 25
(1980), 28 - 34.
- H. Bauer: Aproximace a abstraktní hranice, (s
I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 26
(1981), 305 - 326.
- L. Zalcman: Netradiční integrální geometrie,
(s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 27
(1982), 9 - 23. (MR 83f: 53052)
- S. Wagon: Kvadratura kruhu ve dvacátém století,
(s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 28
(1983), 320 - 328.
- S. G. Krantz: Matematika versus Computer Science.
(s O.Kowalským), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 31
(1986), 108 - 111.
- M. Bridger: Ještě jednou o matematice a Computer
Science, (s O.Kowalským), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
Astronom. 31 (1986), 275 - 276.
- M.Doob: A Gentle Introduction to TeX, Univerzita
Karlova, Praha, 1990, (translation into Czech with J.Daneš)
- M.Doob: A Gentle Introduction to TeX,
(translation into Czech with J.Daneš), CSTUG
- W.Rudin: Real and complex analysis, (s I. Netukou], 3. vydání, Academia,
Praha, 2003