Fundamental concepts in non-equilibrium thermodynamics (14.10.2014-MP)
What is non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Different levels of description. Kac ring. Reversibility/irreversibility. Entropy.
Reversible dynamics (21.10.2014-MP)
General form of GENERIC - the reversible part. Poisson brackets. Reversibility. Degeneracy. Poisson bracket in Hamiltonian dynamics.
seminar cancelled due to public holiday (28.10.2014)
Irreversible dynamics (4.11.2014 - MP)
Irreversible evolution within GENERIC. Dissipation potential and dissipative bracket. Heat equation.
Classical hydrodynamics (11.11.2014 - MP)
Reversible evolution. Poisson bracket. Energetic and entropic formulation.
Classical hydrodynamics (18.11.2014 - VK)
Irreversible evolution in classical hydrodynamics. Navier-Stokes-Fourier.
Ir/reversibility revisited (25.11.2014 - MP)
Finishing the irreversible part of Navier-Stokes-Fourier. Maxwell-Cattaneo's equation. Checking ir/reversibility of Fourier, Navier-Stokes-Fourier and Maxwell-Cattaneo. GENERIC near equilibrium. Onsager-Casimir reciprocal relations.
Boltzmann equation (2.12.2014 - MP)
GENERIC formulation. Ir/revesibility. Appetizer for differential geometry.
Geometric formulation (9.12.2014 - MP)
Vector fields in differential geometry. Is the reversible part of Boltzmann equation really reversible? To show it we need a geometric formulation of ir/revesibility because the distribution function has no parity. How to derive the hydrodynamic Poisson bracket. Poisson bracket for mixtures of fluids. Maybe polymeric fluids.
Poisson bracket (16.12.2014 - MP)
Derivation of the hydrodynamic Poisson from the Boltzmann Poisson bracket, derivation of the Boltzmann Poisson bracket from the Liouville Poisson bracket. Derivation of the Poisson bracket of binary mixtures.
Summary (6.1.2015 - MP)
Summary of the seminar. A recipe for preparing a GENERIC model.